St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada (Ecumenical Patriarchate)
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Thank you for considering supporting the health of our parish.

Together we can continue practising our faith, enjoying fellowship and doing good works for our community. 

There are several ways that you can help - PRESS HERE!

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Ласкаво Просимо!Welcome!

Слава Ісусу Христу!  Glory to Jesus Christ!

If you are newly arrived from Ukraine and require assistance, or if you would like to assist newcomers from Ukraine with material aid or in any other way, please visit our "Durham Region Ukraine Relief Committee" website at

Якщо ви щойно приїхали з України і потребуєте помочі, або якщо бажаєте допомогати новоприбулим з України матеріально, або іншим способом, просимо вас зв'язатися з нашим "Durham Region Ukraine Relief Committee" за посиланням

If you desire you may make a tax-deductible donation to our

Durham Ukrainian Relief Fund

You may do so by clicking on the green "Fundraise Now" button

(on the right of the screen on your laptop,

or the bottom of your screen on your mobile device).

Thank you – May the Lord bless you abundantly!

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Our Church is open for attendance by the faithful according to our Liturgical Schedule.  We will continue to live-stream our Sunday Divine Liturgies on our parish YouTube channel, and invite those of you who are not able to be with us in Church to join us in prayer from your homes.  We assure you that you are in our prayers!

Our Church Services can be viewed by clicking on the following link:

Our most recent parish bulletin can be accessed here

We thank all of you for your prayerful support.  If you do not offer your financial support to the parish by means of our PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) program, you can make your donations through our web-site by using the “Donate Now” button on the right, or by sending your donations through the mail. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support - prayerful, moral, and financial.  

If anyone has any particular need please do not hesitate to call the office at 905.433.5577 to speak with Father or leave a message.

 Слава Ісусу Христу!

Наш храм відкритий для вірних у дні, які зазначені у календарі.  Тих, хто не може брати участь особисто, запрошуємо до участі через наші он-лайн трансляції, об'єднюючись з нами молитовно по своїх домівках.  Будьте певні, що ви завжди в наших молитвах.

Можна приєднатися до он-лайн трансляції наших богослужень за нижчеподаним посиланням:

Наш місячний парафіяльний благовісник знаходиться тут

Дякуємо всім Вам за Вашу молитовну, моральну, і фінансову підтримку.  Якщо Ви не робите Ваші грошові пожертви на парафіяльні потреби через PAR («Заздалегідь Одобрені Пожертви») Ви можете зробити Ваші пожертви через "Donate Now" кнопку на правій стороні цієї сторінки,  або відправити нам звичайною поштою.  Дякуємо заздалегідь за Ваше розуміння й щедру підтримку - і молитовну, і моральну, і фінансову!

Якщо хтось має будь-яку особливішу потребу дзвоніть до парафіяльного офісу за номером телефону 905.433.5577 щоби говорити з отцем або залишити повідомлення.

Statement by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew about the War in Ukraine

February 27th, 2022

Even in the most unfavorable circumstances, such as today, where the world community is following with horror Russia’s, beyond every sense of law and morality, military attack and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, an independent and sovereign state, or perhaps even more so now as the fiercest conflict since the time of World War II unfolds in Europe, in our neighborhood, we direct our prayers to the Lord Jesus, the Ruler of peace, asking Him with a fervent soul that He “will give strength to His people” and “bless His people with peace” (cf. Psalm 27:11). The Holy Great Church of Christ unceasingly chants the angelic hymn throughout the ages: “peace on earth and good will to men.”

Indeed, during the last few days, a tragic humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in Ukraine. A war, which, like any war, is an abominable and reprehensible situation. It is the domination of irrationality over reason, hatred over love, darkness over light, death over life.

Again, from this position, we address another plea to end the war now! To immediately stop any act of violence, anything that spreads pain and death. Let reason prevail, love for fellow human beings, reconciliation and solidarity, the light of the Risen Christ, the gift of life.

We express our full sympathy to our brother, the Primate of the Church of Ukraine, His Beatitude Metropolitan Epiphanios of Kyiv, and our unwavering support to all the seriously suffering Ukrainian people, who have a deep faith in God and chose to live freely and to determine their own lives, as every nation deserves. Although, unfortunately, some have come, these days, to the point of questioning even their historical and national existence.

Our thoughts are constantly with the wounded and with the families of the innocent victims, irrespective of their ethnic identity, and we pray for the rest of their souls to the Lord of Life and Death. We are certain that the Lord will hear our prayers and will not abandon his beloved children in Ukraine.

Our Parish                      Наша Парафія

St. John's was founded in 1935 to serve the spiritual needs of the many Ukrainian immigrants who had settled in Oshawa.  The parish grew after World War II, receiving many people from Ukraine  and other eastern european countries who found shelter in Canada.  Our parish currently is home to the children and grand-children of these immigrants, as well as converts and Orthodox faithful of many different ethnic backgrounds.  Our services are conducted in both Ukrainian and English, and we thank God for our excellent choir, altar servers, "Holy Protection" sisterhood, men's brotherhood, and vibrant youth group.  We are also very proud of our "Odessa" Ukrainian Dance Group, which performs all over Canada.


Парафія Св. Івана Хрестителя заснована у 1935 р. Б. іммігрантами з України які оселилися у Ошаві.  Після 2-ої світової війни церква значно росла через пост-воєнну іміграцію з України та інших східньо-європейських держав.  Наша парафія нині створена дітьми та внуками цих імігрантів, канадців, що навернулися до Православної віри і Православних християн різного походження.  Богослуження відбуваються двомовно,  українською та англійською мовами.  Дякуємо Богові за наш прекрасний церковний хор, прислужників, Сестринство ім. Св. Покрови, Братство і товариство молоді.  Ми так само дуже вдячні, що при парафії маємо прекрасну школу й ансамбль Українського народного танцю "Одеса."


Upcoming Services
Tuesday, April 30
Great and HolyTuesday
6:30 PM Bridegroom Matins Service
Thursday, May 2
Greatand Holy Thursday
6:00 PM “Strasti” the Matins of Good Friday
Friday, May 3
Great and Holy Friday
6:00 PM Vespers with the Procession of the Holy Shroud
Durham Ukrainian Relief Fund
Fundraise Now Through!