Our parish is blessed with an excellent council who look after the material needs and support of the community. Under the capable leadership of Dr. Paul Slavchenko our capable and energetic council members.
Our parish is blessed and grateful that God has given us such talented and dedicated council members!
Parish Council Presidents:
1935: Harry Cymbaluk
1936: Theodore Tychij
1937: John Jacula
1938: Theodore Tychij
1939: Mykyta Dutchak
1940 – 43: Michael Starr
1944 – 45: William Hercia
1946: Thomas Manilla
1947 – 52: John Stezik
1953: Dmytro Babij
1954 – 57: John Stezik
1958 – 60: Dmytro Babij
1961 – 62: Walter Kuch
1963: Dmytro Stanczenko
1964: Morley Parfeniuk
1965: Dmytro Babij
1966: Victor Janchewsky
1967 – 74: John Kuney
1975: Walter Minosora
1976: Steve Kisil
1977: Walter Minosora
1978 – 80: John Kuney
1981: Walter Minosora
1982: John Kuney
1983: Steve Kisil
1984 - 85: Peter Senyk
1986 – 87: Alexander Polityka
1988: Gregory Nelipa
1989 – 92: Boris Skoblikowsky
1993 – 94: Gregory Nelipa
1995: Michael Klinduch
1996 – 99: Walter Minosora
2000 – 01: Gregory Nelipa
2002 – 03: Walter Minosora
2004 – 05: Gregory Nelipa
2006 – 07: Ihor Lysyk
2007 - 11: Carol Shewchuk
2011 – 13: Dennis Urbanski
2013 - 25: Dr. Paul Slavchenko
2025 - present: Natalie Zuidema